funny episode
those quotes were enough for me, thanks for giving me even more reasons to dislike michael moore's opinion
but what i find even more interesting is the unbelievable reviews this has gotten.
and even though they try to sound intellegent, basically all im seeing is a bunch of people who agree with micheal moore enough to get pissed at anyone who talks against him. And they go like: "OMG!!1! MICHAEL MOORE RULEZ!! BUSH SUX!! YOU SUCK!!?!?! VOTE ZERO!!"
which, in turn, leads to:
and they then have a buch of opinionated facts that they use to back up whatever arguement they have.
Either way, this just prooves one thing, REGARDLESS of weather michael moore is right or wrong on the issues, he's pretty much the epitomy of hate.
so everybody who's trying to turn this into a political statement: shut up. Theres a YAAFM for Bush too, so go watch that next, then balence it out.